BSA Troop 235 is sponsored by Red Hill Lutheran Church in Tustin, CA and chartered by the Orange County Council in the Canyons District.
Our Troop hosted its first meeting in 1960, which made 2010 the 50th anniversary of the inception of Troop 235. We currently have approximately 50 active scouts ranging in age from 11 to 17 and representing every rank from Scout to Eagle. We also have a long tradition of Scouts earning Eagle and we even have families in our Troop with multiple generations who earned the rank of Eagle Scout as a member of our Troop. We are a boy-run troop with a focus on leadership, camping and achievements.
We are a Troop that enjoys the great outdoors and putting BSA values and skills into practice in everyday life. We have fun together camping, conducting service projects, and being conservation minded when outdoors.
Highlights of Troop 235 “The Great Outdoors Troop”
We are known as “The Great Outdoors Troop” due to the fact that we are a Troop focused on three primary activities: Camping, High Adventure, and Service.
Camping: Troop 235 has a campout every month generally during the third weekend of the month. Campouts include local camping (i.e., “car camping”) in places like Balboa Park in San Diego, Joshua Tree, and the Mojave Desert. There are also special campouts such as snow camping in the Sequoias and the rifle shooting campout. As well, the Troop participates in a week-long summer camp at a BSA sponsored site such as Emerald Bay on Catalina and Camp Whitsett in the high Sierras.
High Adventure: Troop 235 greatly enjoys the outdoors and backpacking. We generally have 1-2 high adventure (i.e., backpacking) trips each year to places like Philmont Scout Ranch, Catalina Island, Trinity River and the Grand Canyon. High adventure treks are generally for Scouts who are older (i.e., 14 and up) and who have achieved the rank of First Class. Additionally, we schedule 1-2 “junior high adventure” treks each year for younger Scouts who may not be physically ready for longer backpacking treks, but who desire a more challenging wilderness experience.
Service: Troop 235 organizes and participates in regular service projects in the community, such as Scouting for Food and Leave No Trace. Additionally, the process of earning the rank of Eagle Scout involves planning and executing a service project in the community, which includes several Scouts from the Troop who serve under the leadership of the Scout working toward Eagle.
Rank Advancement: Not only are we a Troop that enjoys fun activities outdoors, but we are also committed to helping our Scouts advance in rank from Scout to Eagle. As such, training and various events are scheduled during Troop meetings, campouts, and other special occasions to enable Scouts to complete the various requirements for rank advancement.
Court of Honor: To honor Scouts who have advanced in rank as well as to acknowledge Scouts who have earned various merit badges, the Troop hosts a Court of Honor approximately three times each year—in September, February, and May. Parents (typically mothers) are encouraged to wear their “Parent Sash” (which is received at the induction Ceremony when a Scout joins Troop 235).

Perhaps you know us from our annual Christmas Tree Lot Fundraiser at the corner of Newport Avenue and 17th Street in Tustin. This fundraiser supports all of our programs and equipment throughout the year, including a week of sleep-away summer camp.
Take a look at our proud Eagle Scouts in the Troop 235 Eagle's Nest and read a brief History of Troop 235 (1960-2001).
The Troop currently meets weekly on Tuesday evenings at 7pm.
For more information Contact Us.
Our mailing address is:
Boy Scout Troop 235
P.O. Box 1856
Tustin, CA 92781